MnCHOICES Support Plan User Manual

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How to use the MnCHOICES Support Plan user manual

The user manual is organized by the screens in the MnCHOICES Support Plan. In general, each page of the user manual corresponds to one screen in the Support Plan. Use the menu at the top left of the screen to navigate to the help page for the Support Plan topic that you are interested in.

Which parts of a plan do you need to complete?

Which tabs you work in and which parts of a CSP, CSSP or Rate Plan you complete will depend on your role. Assessors complete both the MnCHOICES Assessment and the CSP. Planners complete the CSSP. A Planner is anyone who will be doing support planning with the person. The user manual uses the following icons to show when a part of the user manual is relevant to Assessors, Planners, or both:


The user manual was created to help you quickly get answers to your questions as you are working in the Support Plan. If you found the information that you were looking for, you can let us know by clicking the “Yes” radio button in the Feedback section. If you did not find the information you were looking for in the user manual, click the “No” radio button. A text field will appear, in which you can briefly describe the information you were looking for. When you are done, click Submit. We will use the feedback we receive to add to and improve the user manual.

Did you find the information you were looking for on this page?

To search for a word or phrase on the current page, hold down the Control key and press the F key (Ctrl + F). Enter your search text in the text field that appears at the top of the screen.

Browser settings

To increase or decrease the size of the print on the screen use your browser setting to change the zoom. To change your screen display, on the right hand side of the URL choose
  Internet Explorer and Edge: The magnifying glass with a plus sign will allow you to increase and decrease the “zoom” on your screen display.
  Chrome: The ellipsis will bring up a menu of options. Choose zoom to change your screen display.


Latest information, known issues reports, feature requests and more.

The Disability and Aging PolicyQuest is an automated Web-based system for lead agencies to submit policy questions. The public can view the responses.

Acronym and abbreviation list
A list of acronyms and abbreviations commonly used across the department is posted on InfoLink.

The Community-Based Services Manual (CBSM) is a reference tool for lead agencies who administer home and community-based services that support older Minnesotans and people with disabilities.

How to get help
A list of steps to take if you cannot find an answer to your policy question in the CBSM.

Build and Print: CSP/CSSP Crosswalk
A list of each tab in the Support Plan, whether the content in the tab is editable, and where the information from the tab prints.

Handling MN Information Securely

Handling MN Information Securely