Minnesota DHS: Serving People with I/DD and Dementia

These roles are involved in the Finalize step:

This role... Is responsible to...
case manager icon
  • Review the plan with the person and person’s family during the meeting.
  • Finalize the plan after the meeting, making any changes necessary as a result of the meeting.
certified assessor icon
  • Review the final support plan after updates from the meeting with the person.
service/medical providers icon
  • Attend the meeting, if possible.
  • Address needs, answer questions, make recommendations.
family and community
  • Attend the meeting with the person.
  • Listen to options and assist the person in decisions about services, keeping in mind the person’s wants and needs.
person with I/DD and dementia
  • Attend support plan meeting.
  • Discuss wants and needs with assistance of trusted family members. Case manager will update any changes to the plan following the meeting based on the person and person’s family input.