Who is eligible for adult mental health-targeted case management (MH-TCM)?

In the Adult Comprehensive Mental Health Act, Minnesota Statute established priority groups for the receipt of community mental health services.

Second only to individuals experiencing mental illness crisis or emergencies, adults with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) are identified as a priority group.

Counties who serve adults meeting the criteria for SPMI as described above are mandated to offer MH-TCM to these individuals.

In addition, adults who have been committed for treatment due to their mental illness are required to receive MH-TCM services.

Eligibility for, and the appropriateness, of MH-TCM services needs to be determined. This usually includes:

  1. An interview with the individual.
  2. Completion of a diagnostic assessment or a review of a current assessment. 

If an individual appears to be eligible for adult MH-TCM services and has urgent needs but is not cooperating with obtaining a current diagnostic assessment, MH-TCM can begin while a trusting relationship is built with the case manager and the diagnostic assessment is persuaded  and determination of eligibility process is finalized.

Adult MH-TCM is a covered benefit in Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP’s) for eligible individuals. Uninsured individuals can obtain MH-TCM services through their county social and/or human services departments. Eligibility for Adult MH-TCM must be redeterimined at least every three years.