Test your knowledge

Let's look at a few more situations applying the definitions you've learned so far. Choose the correct response.

Test your knowledge professor writing on a chalkboard

Meet Jane:

Jane is 30 years old and lives in an adult foster care facility.  Jane is diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury and insulin dependent diabetes.  An adult foster care staff person brings Jane to see her physician for a routine check-up.  During the visit to her physician, Jane’s blood sugar levels are noted to be very high.  The physician asks Jane about the high blood sugar levels.  Jane tells the physician that she ran out of insulin three days ago and that the person in charge of refilling her prescriptions at the facility said that they were “working on” getting her some more.  The physician asks the staff person accompanying Jane about Jane not having any insulin, but the staff person has no knowledge.

Does this need to be reported and who is mandated to report?  Click the button next to the correct answer.

Letter A button Yes, the incident needs to be reported to the Common Entry Point (CEP) by the staff person accompanying Jane to the appointment.

Letter B button Yes, the incident needs to be reported to the Common Entry Point (CEP) by the physician.

Letter C button No, the incident does not need to be reported. The physician will write a new prescription that the staff person can get filled on the way home.

Letter D button Both A and B.
