What is Housing Access Coordination?

Diagram demonstrating relationship of MN DHS, home services, and HAC

Housing Access Coordination (HAC):

  • Is a service available through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and its certified partner agencies.
  • Is available to people who are assessed for DHS home care services and enrolled on a home and community based disability waiver.
  • Provides ongoing housing support for adults who want a home of their own.
  • Helps eligible Minnesota adults aged 18 and older with disabilities seek, locate and maintain modest, safe, accessible housing that is not owned, operated or leased by a provider of services.
  • HAC providers, including Agencies and staff must not have a direct or indirect financial interest in the property or housing the participant selects.
  • HAC is relatively new, beginning as a partnership with The Arc of MN as a demonstration project. After nearly 6 years of testing, HAC and The Arc helped more than 1650 eligible adults move to homes of their own. The partnership has proven to be a true success.