4 Stages of Delivery

  • Stage 1: Plan
  • Stage 2: Find
  • Stage 3: Move
  • Stage 4: Follow-Up
  • Each stage should be authorized and billed for in order. For example, once units are authorized and billed for in the FIND STAGE, units should not be authorized or billed for in the PLAN STAGE.

    Stage 1: Plan

    Includes no more than 50 hours (200 units)

    The plan stage may include:

    • Meetings between the person, the lead agency and HAC staff
    • Developing a person-centered housing plan
    • Creating a budget
    • Applying for housing/utility voucher(s)
    • Searching for housing
    • Meetings with landlords
    • Completing rental applications

    Stage 2: Find

    Includes no more than 50 hours (200 units)

    The find stage may include:

    • Continuing to search for housing
    • Helping the person understand and negotiate a lease
    • Signing a lease
    • Arranging deposits
    • Scheduling moving and packing services
    • Assessment by an occupational therapist for modifcations or assistive technology if needed
    • Getting household goods

    Stage 3: Move

    Includes no more than 50 hours (200 units)

    The move stage may include:

    • Pack
    • Move
    • Unpack

    Stage 4: Follow-Up

    No more than 50 hours (200 units) per year after a move is complete.

    The lead agency may choose to authorize the follow-up stage only after the person has moved to a home of his or her own that is not owned, leased or controlled by a disability services provider.

    It is intended to help the person keep his or her home and may include:

    • Going with a person to housing related meetings with his or her landlord
    • Helping him or her understand and follow notices from his or her landlord about community rules
    • Following up about housing benefits.


    If the lead agency authorizes an additional move for a person less than eight months after he or she relocates, MMIS will trigger a suspended edit so DHS can review.

    DHS will approve the authorization if a person:
    • Wants to move closer to a new job
    • Chooses to move closer or further from family, or
    • No longer feels safe in his or her environment due to intimidation or harm.

    Click on each stage above to learn more details.

    When you have read and understood all stages, click Next to continue.