Check Your Understanding

Now let's take a moment to check your understanding of the key points in this module.

For each question that displays, click the best answer.

Question 1 of 4

You are a HAC staff member working with Patty, a 32 year old woman who wants to move into a home of her own that is not owned, leased or controlled by a provider of disability services, and has a pool.

The agency you work for has leased apartments available at a rental community with a pool. Can you use Housing Access Coordination to help Patty move to one of those units?

Choose your answer.

Correct!HAC does not move people to housing that is owned, leased or controlled by a provider of disability services. Housing located with HAC support must be in the same housing market used by the general public.

Sorry, that’s incorrect. HAC will help Patty find a home of her own that is not owned, leased or controlled by a provider of disability services.

Question 2 of 4

John wants you to start showing him places to live right away. You explain that first he will need to sign consent forms, so you can contact his lead agency staff. Then you can help John plan for what he wants, and what he can afford. You also explain that help may be available through SNAP and for utility payments.

Click all that apply

That's right!

Sorry, that's incorrect.

Question 3 of 4

Leslie used HAC to move to a home of her own four months ago. She called to ask for help understanding a notice from her landlord about her storage space. Can HAC help?

That's right!

Sorry, that's incorrect.

Question 4 of 4

A landlord has declined Steve’s application to move in to an available home. Steve’s background check showed an eviction and a criminal record. You know that 200 units of HAC can be billed for each stage of a move. Are there exceptions available for Steve?

Click all that apply

That's right!

Sorry, that's incorrect.

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