<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Andreas’ Review Questions

Training Caseload - Page 8a

Andreas’ Review Questions

Answer the following questions based on reviewing Andreas’ request for MA-LTC.

1. Has Andreas completed the appropriate MA-LTC request form?

2. What is the date of Andreas’ request for MA-LTC?

3. Name the facility in which Andreas resides.

4. On what day was Andreas admitted?

5. Why was Andreas admitted?

6. Did Andreas meet the institutional level of care requirement?

7. Where did Andreas reside prior to entering the LTCF?

8. Has the DHS-1503 been signed by the health care professional?

9. What is the begin date of Andreas’ MA-LTC?

10. Do you need to complete the DHS-3050 for Andreas?

To Do: Update the fields found in the first section on page one of Andreas’ DHS-5590, found at the back of his case packet, based on the answers you just provided.

Updated October 13, 2011.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).