Photo a man sitting on living room floor amid damaged furnishings.Mobile Crisis Intervention

The intervention must consist of a mental health crisis assessment, crisis intervention and a crisis treatment plan.

The treatment plan must include techniques that the crisis team and the individual used to intervene in the crisis, supports and services that the person has available to the recipient now and recommendations for any needed crisis stabilization services for the recipient.
Mental health crisis stabilization services means individualized mental health services provided to a recipient following crisis intervention services which are designed to restore the recipient to the recipient’s prior functional level. Mental Health crisis stabilization services may be provided in the recipient’s home, the home of a family member or friend of the recipient, another community setting, or a short-term supervised, licensed residential program. Mental health crisis stabilization does not include partial hospitalization or day treatment.

The mobile crisis response team must be available to meet promptly face-to-face with a person in mental health crisis or emergency in a community setting.