case manager and HassanThe Individual Community Support Plan (ICSP)

a key With the authorization of the client, ICSP planning includes the active participation of the client and the client’s natural (family, friends) supports and paid supports (mental health providers and other providers).

a key During the functional assessment process within the planning process, the client and case manager should prioritize which needs/aspirations should be chosen as priorities for goal setting. These are first based on critical survival needs (food, shelter, clothing, and medical care, safety, maintaining eligibility for housing or financial benefits or health coverage) and then less immediate areas. The client’s aspirations and motivation are important considerations in the prioritization process.

Health and safety. In order to protect a client’s health and safety, it is necessary to identify his or her health and safety risk factors. The ICSP should address what services, supports and resources are aimed at minimizing risk are to be accessed.