Minnesota DHS: Serving People with I/DD and Dementia
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The following roles are involved in the Plan step.

This role... Is responsible to...
case manager icon
  • Develop or update the support plan, including recommendations from the support team and primary caregiver (if appropriate).
  • Research options, including making preliminary calls or introductions to service providers.
  • Plan the meeting with the person and trusted members of the person’s family, as well as trusted caregivers, if appropriate.
certified assessor icon
  • Create or update the CSP based on findings from the MnCHOICES assessment.
  • Review findings with the Case Manager.
service/medical providers icon
  • Assist the case manager by answering questions and offering options that should be included in the meeting.
family and community
  • When appropriate, professional caregivers may be contribute to planning for the care plan meeting, answering questions from the case manager, collaborating on service change recommendations or offering recommendations to include in the plan.
person with I/DD and dementia
  • Clarify wants and needs with assistance of trusted family members, if needed, for clarification for the Case Manager.