FA Defined

What is functioning? Keep the following in mind when documenting a functional assessment.
A collage of office supplies

Function is an activity. Function is an activity that is clearly observable and measurable, serves a clear purpose, and can be described in clear, concise non-clinical language.

Activity is always current and is described in present tense. Activity must be described in the present tense. History should only be included when it gives context to the current functioning. Remember that a functional assessment is a description of activity not of attitude, aptitude, interest, motivation, labels, symptoms or diagnosis. For example, a functional assessment describes the specifics as to how a consumer is able to interact in social situations not if they have internal motivation to do so.

Activity can be variable depending on settings and circumstance. External activities may differ slightly or significantly even within a single domain based on where they occur, the environment and/or conditions. If function varies within a single domain, the variance should be addressed.

Activity or set of activities occurs to serve a purpose. Functions are purposeful, and they have intent. Identifying that intent is an important part of the process. For example, differentiating between dirty and clean clothes, sorting clothes, putting them in a washer and using the dryer serves the purpose of having clean clothes.

There are both short term and long term purpose(s) to most activities. Short term purposes are those affecting the "here and now". Long-term purposes have future oriented intentions. In the clothing example, the short term purpose of the series of activities is having clean clothes. The long-term purpose may be what having clean clothes will ultimately result in for the individual - a job, a relationship, or acceptance within a community.