Fee-for-services: county-provided or county-contracted model

In fee-for-service, MH-TCM services provided by a county or county-contracted agency are reimbursed at a monthly rate paid if at least one case management core service component is provided consistent with the ICSP 1) in at least one face-to-face contact with that cliet during that month or, 2) during a telephone contact with the client and a reimbursement qualifying face-to-face contact with the client has occurred within the preceding 2 months.

For county-contracted MH-TCM, the monthly rate for reimbursement of MH-TCM services is based on a rate negotiated between the provider and the county (functioning as an extension of the state) and approved by DHS. For county-provided MH-TCM services, the monthly rate is determined by an annual time study methodology. 

The provider bills and is reimbursed by DHS.