
Congratulations, you've made it through the Mandated Reporter training! (All that's left is the final quiz.) Before you move on to the quiz, be sure you understand the following concepts:

  • Definition of maltreatment, abuse, neglect and financial exploitation
  • Responsibilities of a mandated reporter
  • Definition of a mandated reporter
  • When to report situations
  • Where to report incidents
  • Common Entry Points and where to find them
  • Reporting maltreatment that occurs in facilities

If you are uncertain about any of the topics above, review that section of the training material again.


You make the difference

Thanks for participating in this online training session. Return to this course and review the material as often as you need. The Resources, Statute and Case Studies links are good reference guides if you have questions. Always error in the side of caution: File a report with the CEP any time you think there may be maltreatment occurring. Vulnerable people in Minnesota are counting on YOU to help keep them safe.

