Housing Access Coordination Success Factors

ARC Movers Collage

In the last 6 years, Housing Access Services Grant (HAS) helped more than 1650 adults eligible for home care or waiver services move to homes of their own. HAS is a success!

Can you identify the factors that have made HAS so effective?

From the factors listed, click the ones you think are essential to HAS' success. Then click Done.

That's right! According to recent studies, the success of HAC involves two key success factors: Staff members who are engaged and passionately involved in partnering with people to find housing, and counties and tribes that are committed to HAC.

Sorry, that's incorrect. The correct answers are A and F. According to recent studies, the success of HAC involves two key success factors: Staff members who are engaged and passionately involved in partnering with people to find housing, and counties and tribes that are committed to HAC.