Adult Mental Health Crisis Response Curriculum

Module 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Mental Health Crisis Response Services

This chapter is a review of many terms you are probably familiar with and perhaps some that are new to you.  On the next screen you’ll be given a document containing important terms and their definitions.  Study these, and when you feel you know them close the document and proceed to the next screen.  There you will be presented with the “Definition Challenge”.  You will be given a series of 10 questions based on the document you just studied.  Select the best answer for each question.  To help, you will have three “guidance” buttons available to you.  “Toss One” will eliminate one wrong answer, “50/50” will eliminate two wrong answers, and if you are really baffled, click “Ask DHS” and all three wrong answers will disappear.  Each button is available only once in each question set so use them carefully.  In order to “master” a question set you will need to score 8 correct out of 10.  If you don’t, you will not receive any credit for the question set and should repeat the set.  You will be presented four sets of questions, for a total of 40 questions.

If you need additional help, the definitions document will be available in the documents icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.  While we don’t suggest you use this extensively, it is available when you really need it.

On the next screen we will open a PDF document. Depending on the speed of your computer and Internet connection this can take several seconds to load. Please be patient. Ready? Click Next to begin.