Adult Mental Health Crisis Intervention Curriculum

Module 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Data Privacy

Welcome to Data Privacy, the second chapter in the Introduction module.  In this chapter you’ll review a short document discussing the laws relating to the release of information. We’ll review the duties of mandated reporters when neglect or abuse of vulnerable adults is suspected.  Finally, we’ll review Mn. Statute 148.975 entitled Duty to Warn; Limitation on Liability; Violent Behavior of Patient.

This material will be presented in a .PDF document.  Please review it and when you are confident you have a good understanding of its content, close it and proceed to the next page in this training.  You will then be presented a number of questions designed to verify your grasp of the material.

You will be given the document on the next page.  You may also recall it from your the Document link as needed during the rest of the training.  This document is printable and we encourage you to do this for use when you are not at your computer.