Adult MH-TCM ProcessFour Core Components: Referral and linkage and monitoring and coordination

Referral and linkage: The implementation of the ICSP by the client and the case manager. The case manager assists, as needed, the client in referral and linkage to acquire community resources, treatment services, natural supports: financial, social, physical, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, emotional, and occupational areas.

Monitoring and coordination. The client and case manager review the progress the client is making toward planned goals, the effectiveness and usefulness of resources/support/services that the recipient is using. 

The case manager communicates and coordinates with the resources/supports/services representatives to assure integration of services where needed, to advocate for the client, to communicate essential information and to refine service effectiveness.

This module will emphasize Assessment and Planning. Referral and linkage and Monitoring and coordination will be discussed in Module 4.