case manager taking notes while talking with MariaEffective planning by the case manager

The case manager needs to have knowledge of:

  • The values that underlie a person-centered approach to providing service to improve recipient functioning within the context of the recipient's culture and community;
  • Models of wellness-management and recovery;
  • Biopsychosocial approaches to serving and supporting individuals,  and evidenced based standards of  mental health treatment/rehabilitation;
  • Processes used in a variety of models for group meetings to promote client and family involvement in case planning and decision-making;
  • A wealth of interventions/services/resources/supports appropriate for assessed needs and aspirations.
a key A variety of ways are used to support increased recipient ownership of the ICSP. The client writes her or his own plan, the client has a current copy, the recipient and case manager review and update the plan on a routine basis and the plan is a focus, not a shelved document, The plan is designed to identify incremental successes, progress is monitored and the client learns to use strengths and resources to attain goals.