case manager and HassanPlanning for closure of MH-TCM services

Adult MH-TCM services shall end (Minnesota Rules 9520.0924) when:

  • A mental health professional provides a written opinion that the client no longer meets the eligibility criteria;  (the case manager must inform the client of the client’s ability to appeal the decision according to part 9520.0926);
  • The client and case manager mutually decide that the services are no longer needed;
  • The client refuses further MH-TCM services (unless the client is court-ordered to receive the services); OR
  • Unless the client is in a 24-hour/day treatment setting, no face-to-face contact has occurred for 180 days because the client fails to keep appointments.
Sometimes when a client is not communicating and/or is not making or keeping appointments, it is because the client is having difficulties. Persist in your efforts to reach out to the client.