Table of Contents: Vulnerable Adult Mandated Reporting

Topic Title and Description Table
What is covered

Course Navigation

Tips and instructions for links, changing text size and moving back and forth from page to page


Introduces the course topic

Common Entry Point (CEP)

Definition of Common Entry Point and link to the CEP in each Minnesota County

Mandated Reporters

Definition of Mandated Reporter


Take a few minutes to learn key definitions to create a common language for understanding

Test Your Knowledge 1

Find out if you know when neglect, abuse or maltreatment is occurring

More Definitions

Less may be more in some circumstances, but knowing and understanding the key definitions regarding mandated reporting will help you make better decisions

Test Your Knowledge 2

Find out if you know when to report neglect, and self-neglect


Definition of financial exploitation

Test Your Knowledge 3

Determine if you know what types of actions are considered financial exploitation

Reporting Maltreatment

Learn how to report maltreatment and what information will be needed when calling the CEP

Contacting Law Enforcement

Determine when it is necessary to contact a law enforcement agency as well as CEP

When a Report is NOT Necessary

Determine when CEP does not require a report

Reporting Maltreatment in a Licensed Facility

Instructions and information regarding how to report maltreatment in a facility licensed by the MN Department of Health

Reporting Maltreatment in a DHS Licensed Facility

Instructions and information regarding how to report maltreatment in a facility licensed by the MN Department of Human Services

Maltreatment Investigations

Understand what agencies are responsible for the investigation of maltreatment

Confidentiality, Immunity, Failure to Report and False Reports

Understand how reporters of maltreatment are protected and what consequences exist when laws are not followed

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