<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Sinclair Jefferson

MA-LTC Basics

Sinclair Jefferson

Picture of Sinclair with his wife and grandson.

Now let’s review Sinclair’s case.

To Do: Take out Sinclair’s case file, review his case information and answer the following questions.

1. Has Sinclair verified all income that needs to be verified for MA eligibility?

2. Based on the factors you listed on Sinclair’s DHS-5590, and not taking into consideration Sinclair’s income calculation, possible cost obligation or MA-LTC requirements, does Sinclair meet the MA requirements for last month and the current month?

Click on the icon below to reveal the completed first page of the MA-LTC Case Checklist for Sinclair.

Link to Sinclair's DHS-5590.(PDF).


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Updated September 21, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).