A Situation Requiring a Broad Category 1 Intervention

Here is one person’s intervention story.

A serious of images of Janet. Moving a box, looking at medication and getting frustated while sitting infront of a laptop. 
Janet is in her 30s and is diagnosed with major depression; this is recurrent, with psychotic features. She has spent 20 years institutionalized either in the hospital or a nursing home. Last month she moved into a supported apartment.

She has a complicated medical regimen because of high blood pressure, weight issues and cardiac insufficiency. She is happy to be out of the nursing home, eager to make friends and live more independently, but anxious because she has not been responsible for taking care of herself for a long time.

She is not yet connecting her needs with her illness, attributing them primarily to a lack of services provided by the nursing home.

Her depression and sometimes-tenuous reality testing make it difficult for her to learn complex skills and grasp complex concepts without extensive support and repetition.