A Situation Requiring a Broad Category 3 Intervention

A series of images of Peter. Depressed, angry, suicidal, talking to a therapist and helping son with homework.Here is one person’s intervention story.

In the last year, Peter has experienced periods where he has no energy. He then becomes increasingly isolated and withdraws to his bedroom. He cannot execute and carry through with activities that he has enjoyed in the past because he feels hopeless, is unable to concentrate, and becomes overwhelmed. All of this results in uncompleted projects.

As a result, Peter gets confused about what he has completed, what needs to be done next, misplaces tools, forgets time lines, and becomes irritable resulting in anger outbursts and property damage.

In 2007, he quit his job because he thought he would commit suicide should he try to drive in traffic to his workplace. He has not worked as an auto mechanic since.

In the past 6 months, Peter has worked closely with his psychiatrist to establish a medication regime that has resulted in Peter experiencing less depressive symptoms, especially lethargy.

He is taking care of home improvement tasks, as well as child-care responsibilities while his wife is at work. Peter's aim is to return to work as an auto mechanic within the next year.