Adult MH-TCM ProcessThe broker model

The federal and Minnesota model of mental health targeted case management is sometimes referred to as the broker model. The case manager is brokering services and resources for and with the client. In this model, the case manager is not providing the treatment, neither clinical or rehabilitation services. 

The broad scope of the AMH-TCM case manager

The broad scope of the MH-TCM case manager is to assist the individual in accessing the entire range of potential needed services and resources.  They are gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, vocational and other necessary services as they relate to the client’s mental health needs.  Note: Case management is not just about accessing mental health services.

In Minnesota, case management services include developing a functional assessment, and Individual Community Support Plan, referring and assisting the person to obtain needed mental health and other services, ensuring coordination of services and monitoring the delivery of services according to Minnesota Statute 245.462, Subd 3.