Adult MH-TCM ProcessAssessment, are you effective?

A case manager must have knowledge of formal and informal assessment resources and tools, state standards, the consumer population served and respect the individuality of each individual. A case manager should be able to:

  • Apply numerous types of interviewing skills;
  • Collect recent and relevant assessments and evaluation reports. Integrate the findings, results and recommendations to form the basis of the client’s ICSP;
  • Engage client and his/her families to elicit and integrate other pertinent information; such as cultural beliefs, practices, and considerations;
  • Recognize indicators of risk, health, safety, vulnerability, mental health/substance abuse;
  • Review information through a holistic approach. Give balanced attention to individual, family, community, educational, work, leisure, cultural, contextual factors and recipient preferences;
  • Consult other providers, resource representatives and supports both formal and natural in the assessment process; and
  • Discuss: findings and recommendations with the client in a clear understandable manner.