Map of MinnesotaWhat is your race, ethnicity and culture?

Minnesota population projections by race and ethnicity 2005-2035 show that Minnesota is not only becoming rapidly older, but more diverse over time.

The percent of our population that is nonwhite or Latino is projected to grow from 14% in 2005 to 25% in 2035 (State Demographic Center, 2009).  The Latino population is projected to grow from 196,300 to 551,600, the African American alone population from 218,400 to 454,400; the Asian/Pacific Islander population from 183,300 to 391,400; the American Indian population will grow slowly (trend data is less reliable); and the White population will grow slowly.  Also, Minnesota is a destination for initial and secondary migration of refugee populations (such as Hmong, Somalia, Russian) in the USA.

Accurate estimates of the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (GLBT) population are not available.  Based on a study methodology by Sell et al. (1995), approximately 146,000 men and 99,400 women in Minnesota are GLBT.   A strong GLBT community exists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area which attracts individuals with a variety of sexual orientations.  Additionally, Minnesota is one of a handful of states that has laws banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.