The RSUM panel displays a summary of the most current eligibility information for a person.
RSUM is the first panel in the RECIPIENT FILE queue.
Fields on the RSUM panel
PROGRAM and ELIG TY fields display the three most recent eligibility spans. The first PROGRAM span is the current or most recent.
ELIG BEG and ELIG END fields display the date span. ELIG END dates of 99/99/99 indicate that eligibility is current.
CASE NBR field displays the case number for the eligibility span.
CFR field displays the County of Financial Responsibility code.
SPENDDOWN TYPE fields display the three most recent spenddown spans.
WAIVER TY field is populated with the most recent waiver type. The waiver type and BEG DT and THROUGH DT fields will be populated with the person's current or most recent waiver span. If the person has never been on a waiver then the fields will be blank. LAST SCREEN DATE field displays the most recent screening date for waiver.
PPHP fields display dates and plan when a person is on a prepaid health plan.
LA, BEG DT and END DT fields display the two most recent living arrangement spans. The most current living arrangement is listed first. If the living arrangement is institutional the provider's NPI (National Provider Index) number is displayed in the NPI NBR field.
MRRP CASE MGR fields are populated when a person is on the MINNESOTA RESTRICTED RECIPIENT PROGRAM.
MEDICARE PART A and PART B fields are populated when a person has MEDICARE coverage.