The AKEY panel is the key panel for the PRIOR AUTHORIZATION subsystem in MMIS. Field entry on the AKEY panel defines search criteria within the PRIOR AUTHORIZATION subsystem. For Home Care service agreements use AUTHORIZATION TYPE: T and AGMT TYPE: B.
How to complete the AKEY panel to view Type B Home Care service agreements
- Complete the same AKEY panel fields for Type B Home Care SA as for waiver SA. Let's review.
- Enter I (INQUIRY) in ACTION CODE field.
- INQUIRY mode allows worker to view existing prior authorizations in MMIS.
- Entry of code B in the AUTHORIZATION TYPE field is optional and limits search to Type B Home Care service agreements.
- Entry of a code in the AGMT TYPE field is required when the AUTHORIZATION TYPE field is populated.
- Entry of AUTHORIZATION TYPE and AGMT TYPE fields limits access to only the service agreement type entered. Home Care service agreements are AGMT TYPE B.
- In inquiry mode if no code is entered in the AUTHORIZATION TYPE field then all document types can usually be viewed for a more complete history.
- Some security groups limit the types of documents that can be viewed.
- Section one requires entry of an authorization number or recipient ID. PROVIDER NUMBER field is not active for service agreements.
- Entry of an authorization number in the AUTHORIZATION NUMBER field displays only that service agreement document.
- Entry of PMI number in the RECIPIENT ID field is most commonly used to view service agreement history.
- Section 2 of the AKEY panel is optional and is used to limit search by a span or document status.
- In this example I (INQUIRY) is entered in the ACTION CODE field and a PMI was entered in the RECIPIENT ID field.
- TRANSMIT to the next MMIS screen.
- MMIS will open the ASEL panel if more than one service agreement or prior authorization for the person exists in MMIS.
- If only one service agreement or prior authorization document exists then the first screen of that document is displayed.
- When no prior authorization documents meet the search criteria MMIS posts the worker message NO DOCUMENTS MEET THE SELECTION CRITERIA.
The ASEL panel displays when more than one prior authorization exists in MMIS for the selection criteria entered on the AKEY panel. In the example below only Type B=Home Care SA is displayed.
NEXT: 06/18/09 14:36:34 MMIS PA SELECTION - ASEL |
How to select a service agreement to view
- TAB to place cursor at document to be viewed. In this example the most recent Home Care service agreement has been selected.
- Type X in the SEL IND field. In this example the first service agreement is selected.
- TRANSMIT to the first panel of the service agreement selected.
We have selected the service agreement we wish to view. Next we will learn about the Type B Home Care service agreement.