Intake, Eligibility Determination and Screening 3 of 20

Chapter 1: Flexible Case Management
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Fundamentals of Case Management: Intake, Eligibility Determination and Screening

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: The learner will provide knowledge of the intake process.


  • Define the purpose of the intake meeting.
  • Identify the intake meeting attendees.

Goal 2: The learner will obtain knowledge of eligibility determination.

  • Define formal diagnostic assessments.
  • Describe functional assessments.
  • Identify informal diagnostic evaluations.
  • List information case managers must provide eligible persons.
  • Name and describe the Data Practices and the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act.
  • Define the processes for eligibility determination disputes.

Goal 3: The learner will develop knowledge of screening.

  • List the four levels of care most commonly referenced.
  • List the roles common across case management activities.
  • Name the common aspects of the screening process that must be consistently handled across programs and services.
  • Define screening documentation.

Goal 4: The learner will provide knowledge of ethical issues.

  • List the ethical considerations case managers must consider during intake, eligibility determination and screening.
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