Fundamentals of Case Management: Ethical Issues
Ethical issues around the intake process focus on a variety of issues.
For example, conflicts in what persons and/or their legal representatives ask for support services, or maltreatment issues that become known while gathering intake information.
Case managers must consider several ethical considerations as they provide intake, eligibility determination and screening:
- Do no harm
- Promote and honor self-determination
- Balance risk versus protect from harm
- Maintain professional versus personal boundaries
Take time to think difficult situations through and consult with supervisors when clear decisions cannot be made. Explain what intake, eligibility determination and screening are about and why they are being done.
When case managers are casually asking how the person is doing, persons may respond with a cordial "good". When persons answering the questions know the information is being used for to determine services and levels of care, they will provide more specific information about individual needs and functioning.
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