<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Training Caseload

MA-LTC Basics

Training Caseload

To print training case materials click on each of the names listed below and print the case packet or you can go to the Cases Print Packets found in SIR under the MMIS/METS tab, then Health Care Training Toolkit. Click on MA-LTC on the left side. The case packets are located at the bottom of the page under LTC Course Caseloads.

Printing these case materials ahead of time may be quicker and easier than printing them at the time they are referenced in the course.

Organizational Tip: You will be receiving additional case documents throughout the LTC Training Sequence. To help keep these cases organized, we encourage you to put information from each case into separate case file folders. This will also make for easier transport when you bring the case information to the MA-LTC Systems classroom course.

Picture of Emily. Emily (PDF).

Picture of Padma. Padma (PDF).

Picture of Sinclair. Sinclair (PDF).

Picture of Andreas. Andreas (PDF).

Picture of Isabella. Isabella (PDF).


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Updated August 15, 2023.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).