stack of papersRecommendation for concurrent documentation

Case managers and case management agencies should consider the practice of concurrent documentation of MH-TCM services with the client.

Concurrent Documentation involves completing the service paperwork with the client and with the client’s participation. Because adult MH-TCM focuses on functioning and goal planning, it lends itself well to involving the client in describing the needs and preferences, the priorities, the goals and objectives, the activities and tasks, the service contacts and next tasks. Concurrent documentation can thus serve as an integral part of the cllent’s recovery, empowerment, and investment in the service plan; rather than “paperwork” being just an administrative task. Concurrent documentation can focus the case management services on the primary purpose of the working relationship, to help the client accomplish the client’s goals. Concurrent documentation can often be more efficient and time saving practice. 

If you are not utilizing concurrent documentation techniques currently, try it. Introduce it with a new client; when you are establishing your working relationship. Note that it is an optional routine practice of the agency; introduce it as a way of partnering with the individual and being sure that there is common understanding of the plan and services and roles. Concurrent documentation may be a process that does not work well with all clients, but it can be a useful tool with many clients.