AMH-TCM Core ComponentsReferral and Linkage

The referral and linkage service component of MH-TCM services is the implementation of the ICSP involving resource acquisition. 

Referral and linkage involves:

  • Interactions with the client to connect the client with natural supports.
  • Interactions with the client to link the client with local community through resource and service providers.
  • Interactions with the client to refer the client to available health treatment and rehabilitation services.

The MH-TCM case manager performs a primary role in implementing the client’s ICSP by timely referral and linkage to providers, supports and services.

Accompanying clients to new resources/supports are a common activity of case managers.  Transporting clients is not a MH-TCM service and therefore is not reimbursable. However, it is understood that many clients value being accompanied by the client’s case manager because they are nervous about new services/resources, concerned about stigma/discrimination, and/or their level of ability to communicate.  Accompanying clients in these situations is a case management function. It provides the opportunity for face-to-face coordination with the new resource, support.

Case manger roles need to be discussed and reviewed. There is a balance to be maintained where the case manager encourages client self sufficiency and does not foster dependency, and offers direct support and accompaniment to the client to assure success in the referral.