Fundamentals of Case Management: Overview
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: The learner will acquire knowledge of case manager roles.
- List the roles a case manager may assume.
- Describe advocacy, connecting persons to community resources, counseling, gatekeeper and monitoring.
Goal 2: The learner will comprehend the principles of case management services.
- Summarize the five principles of case management services.
- Associate an example to normalization, self-determination, informed choice, community integration and inclusion and protection of individuals served.
Goal 3: The learner will apply the appropriate law(s) to protect individual privacy, health and safety.
- Summarize the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
- Summarize the Minnesota Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act
- Summarize the Minnesota Vulnerable Adults Act
- Given an example, apply one or more of the three statues that provide for the protection of an individual.
Goal 4: The learner will demonstrate knowledge of common case management processes.
- Define intake, eligibility determination and screening.
- Define plan development, service authorization and plan implementation.
- Define plan monitoring, evaluation and revision.
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