Fundamentals of Case Management: Service Plan Development, Service Authorization and Monitoring
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: The learner will demonstrate knowledge of plan development processes.
- Identify key component of service plan development.
- List the most critical components of plan development.
- Describe criteria for plan development meetings.
- Define person-centered planning.
- Summarize writing measurable goals and objectives.
- Distinguish between measurable and observable goals and objectives.
Goal 2: The learner will acquire knowledge of service selection and authorization.
- List the major component of service selection.
- List the critical consideration for prioritizing service needs within service plans.
- Identify the criteria when authorizing services.
Goal 3: The learner will develop knowledge of plan implementation.
- Identify the criteria for providers of plan services.
Goal 4: The learner will apply knowledge of plan monitoring, evaluation and revision.
- List the inter-related processes used to monitor, evaluate and revise service plans.
- Define plan monitoring.
- Define plan evaluation.
- Identify improvements that made to the service plan.
- Describe the case management process.
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