MA-LTC Basics


When a client owns a home and an exception to the home equity limit is not met, verify the fair market value (FMV) or estimated market value (EMV) of the client’s interest in the home at the time of request for MA-LTC, at the annual renewal and when a home equity exception ends.

You may use the county assessor’s website to verify the EMV. Request proof of the FMV or EMV from the client when the information is not available online, or when the client refutes the EMV listed on the assessor’s website.  A statement of the home’s FMV may be obtained from a licensed real estate appraiser and used as verification of the homes FMV. 

If the EMV or FMV is:

Appendix F

Page 5

Home Equity Limit

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Updated January 7, 2022.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).