Progress Notes - Learn More

three file foldersIs it the right intervention?

When documenting a recipient’s participation in a rehabilitation group, it is important to make sure that the interventions used in that group relate to the recipient’s ITP goals and objectives.

For example. A person who is very familiar with his medications, is clear about their side effects, takes them appropriately and manages side effects well, would not have medical necessity for the interventions in a medication education group. This would be true even if the socialization and camaraderie of the group were beneficial to that person. 

However, the defined topic of a group might not be the intervention for a specific individual. In the example above, the individual might be practicing communication skills of not interrupting and of taking turns. In that case, the note would need to reflect a different intervention for this person. The group becomes the setting for an intervention and response, rather than the basis of the intervention.