MA-LTC Basics

MA-LTC Requirement

An institutional level of care is required for people who are requesting MA-LTC through the Elderly Waiver, CAC, CADI, DD and TBI waivers or due to residence in an LTCF. The level of care is determined through an LTCC, full team DD screening or PAS.

If you are contacted by a client, or by a family member on behalf of a client, who is seeking help to remain in their home or is considering a move to an LTCF, send that person a copy of the DHS-2497 (PDF) brochure, LTC Consultation Services, and refer them to your county’s LTCC team.


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Level of Care Requirement - LTC Screenings

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Updated September 21, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).