a case manager working with PaulWho Receives MH-TCM Services?

In Minnesota, adult MH-TCM is a service provided to adults with a mental illness and a determination of Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI).

Case management is support that assists the individual with SPMI to optimize the individual’s adjustment and success in the community through use of needed services, resources and supports. 

An individual is generally referred to case management services because the individual’s  mental illness has caused significant disruptive episodes in the individual’s life.  The individual’s mental illness symptoms may have led to one or more psychiatric hospitalizations, psychiatric crises, treatments in supervised residential settings.  Most individuals are taking psychotropic medications to treat the symptoms of their mental illnesses.  The individual’s experience of the mental illness has resulted in significant skills impairments to independently manage aspects of the individual’s life.  The individual has difficulty in navigating the various bureaucracies/systems of health care, education, housing, benefits, mental health services, etc.  The individual needs help to assess needed services, resources and supports.