Breakout Rooms

Trainers may utilize breakout rooms during the training. WebEx breakout rooms is a feature that allows the trainers to separate larger group into several smaller groups of a set number of participants or can be used to provide an individual assistance to trainees.

When you are assigned to a breakout room, you will see a pop up window. Select Join now.

join brekaout room

You can also join breakout room from the Participants panel.

join brekaout room from participant panel

You will be placed into a breakout room. Visually it will look just like the training session. It will also have the same functionality.

breakout room layout

When ready leave the breakout room, select the Leave meeting Icon.

leave brekaout room

To leave breakout room, select Leave session button.

leave brekaout room

Trainers may also force the breakout rooms to end. In this case, you will see a warning message letting you know how much time is left before you will be automatically brought back to the main session.

automatically ending the breakout room