<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Module Overview

Income and MA-LTC

Module Overview

Hospital residents.

People who meet eligibility requirements for MA-LTC may be obligated to contribute income toward the cost of the LTC services. The amount of income that a person is obligated to contribute is determined by the income calculation.

There are several types of income calculations used to determine a client’s obligation toward his or her cost of care:

Note: People with an MA-FCA basis of eligibility that do not have a medical spenddown also do not have an LTC obligation. They do not need to contribute to their cost of care in an LTCF, so there is no need to do a separate income calculation. Follow ONEsource to documenting MA-LTC eligibility for these spplicants and enrollees.

This module will provide an overview of these calculations, how to determine which calculation to use and when to change a calculation from one to the other.


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Types of Income Calculations - Income Calculations for MA-LTC


Updated September 15, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).