Module Introduction
The types of income calculations used to determine income eligibility for MA-LTC include the LTC income calculation and community income calculations. Before we can discuss which income calculation to use, we must first review three things:- Basic income rules as applied to MA-LTC.
- Determining whether an MA-LTC client has a community spouse and is EW or residing in a LTCF.
- Determining if a client requesting MA-LTC through the EW is considered Special Income Standard (SIS) - EW.
This section discusses basic income rules and gives you an opportunity to review the steps to determine whether an MA-LTC client has a community spouse, if married and applying for EW or residing in a LTCF.
If the client who is requesting BI, CAC, CADI, or DD waiver is married, spousal income is not deemed and client income is not allocated. The next section provides information on determining if a client is considered SIS-EW.
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LTC Income Basics - Basics