Homestead Exclusion for LTCF Residents
When a client moves into a Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF) you can exclude the homestead in certain situations. Use the exclusion reason that allows for the longest exclusion period.
Each of the following is a reason to exclude the homestead. The next several pages will provide you with more information about each of the exclusion reasons. Be sure to make any notes about the exclusions on the handout Homestead Exclusion for LTCF Residents (PDF).
First six calendar months.
Intends to return home.
Residence of spouse, child under 21 or disabled child.
Residence of sibling.
Residence of non-disabled adult child or grandchild.
You may notice that the homestead exclusions are similar to the pre-death lien exemptions. Be sure you are following each policy separately and not in conjunction with one another.
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Asset Requirements - Homestead Exclusions