<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Module Review

Income and MA-LTC

Module Review

Review the modules objectives by answering the following questions.

4. Where can you find the current SIS EW figure?

Answer icon. Appendix F of the EPM.

5. True or False. Count the community spouse’s income in the total monthly income when determining whether a client is SIS-EW.

Answer icon. False.  Do not count the spouse’s income when determining whether a client is SIS-EW.

6. True or False.  Count an income tax refund as income to the client in the month received for purposes of determining whether a client is SIS-EW.

Answer icon. False.  Tax refunds, credits and rebates are excluded as income.


Conclusion icon.

Conclusion icon.

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Page 6

LTC Income Basics - Special Income Standard - Elderly Waiver


Updated September 15, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).