Sinclair Jefferson
Next, let’s determine Sinclair’s obligation.
To Do: Complete the Elderly, Disabled and Blind Income Computation Worksheets (DHS-0029C) for Sinclair and then answer the questions below.
Note: For training purposes, do not deduct the COLA disregard when completing Sinclair’s income calculation, even if you are completing it in January through June.
1. What is Sinclair’s certification period?
2. Did you deem Mary’s income to Sinclair?
3. What income standard did you use?
4. Does Sinclair have a spenddown?
5. Is Sinclair eligible for MA-LTC?
6. Is Sinclair eligible for an MSP?
To Do: Update the "Medical Spenddown" line of the "Client Obligation and Service Delivery" section of Sinclair’s MA-LTC Case Checklist (DHS-5590) with his original spenddown amounts for last month and the current month.
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Community Income Calculation