<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Example of New Allowable Medical Expenses

Income and MA-LTC

Example of a New Allowable Medical Expenses

Let’s use Sam Ribble as an example again.

After completing the updates to Sam’s case based on the third party payments, Sam sent in proof that he continued to pay $50 in June through October for vitamins that he verified MA will not cover.  A DHS-6112 submitted by Sam verified that theses costs are medically necessary. 

Update the DHS-6059B (PDF) with the new allowable medical expenses entered for each month incurred. Based on this update, the carry forward amount for the next certification period changes and the amount of his medical expense deduction in February of next year increases (because additional medical expenses were added). MAXIS STAT/BILS must be updated with the deduction amount change for February. Once eligibility is approved, send an updated version of the DHS-6059C (PDF) to Sam to explain the updates made to his deduction.


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The MA-LTC Medical Expense Deduction - Case Maintenance

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Updated September 15, 2021.
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