<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Conditions 5 and 6 - Payment Status

Income and MA-LTC

Conditions 5 and 6 - Payment Status

Hospital sewing center.

Medical expense payment status is the fifth and sixth conditions that must be met to allow the expense as a deduction.

Condition 5 allows an expense incurred in any of three months prior to the month the client submits a request for MA-LTC if it is unpaid as of the date the county receives the request, unless it was incurred in a month that MA is approved. 

FYI icon.Note: The client may be a MinnesotaCare enrollee at the time of request, but the expense must be unpaid. 

Example 1:

Stella requests MA payment of LTC services on May 12, of this year. She is not requesting retroactive coverage. She was admitted permanently to Bethany Covenant Home, an LTCF, on February 2, of this year. Stella paid her LTCF medical expenses for February only.


Do not allow the February LTCF costs as a medical expense deduction because they were paid prior to the date she requested payment of LTC services. Allow unpaid medical expenses incurred in February, March and April as a deduction if all other conditions are met.
Condition 6 allows a paid or unpaid expense incurred in a month for which the client is approved for MA.

Example 2:

Crystal is an MA-LTC enrollee receiving services through the EW. Use LTC income calculation to determine her eligibility. In July, Crystal submits verification of a prescription co-payment she incurred and paid in June.


Allow the June expense as a medical expense deduction if it meets all other conditions. Allow any paid, or unpaid, medical expenses incurred while Crystal was an MA enrollee as a deduction if all other conditions are met.


Page 7

The MA-LTC Medical Expense Deduction - Allowable Medical Expenses

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Updated September 15, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).