<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Beginning LTC Income Calculation – Community Spouse

Income and MA-LTC

Beginning LTC Income Calculation – Community Spouse

Wedding portrait.

Now let’s discuss when to begin using an LTC income calculation when a person residing in an LTCF or receiving services through the EW program has a community spouse. 

Begin using the LTC income calculation for the month a person is admitted to the LTCF or the month EW services are scheduled to begin.  (Whether an EW enrollee is SIS-EW or not does not affect when to begin the LTC income calculation when the enrollee has a community spouse.)   Use the most appropriate community income calculation for any retroactive months prior to the month the client enters an LTCF or begins receiving EW services.

Note:   More information will be provided regarding changing spenddowns retroactively in the MA-LTC Spenddowns and Waiver Obligations course.



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Types of Income Calculations - Beginning and Ending an LTC Income Calculation

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Updated September 15, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).