<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Veteran’s Improved Pension Needs Allowance

Income and MA-LTC

Veteran’s Improved Pension Needs Allowance

The next needs allowance to consider, if neither of the prior needs allowance criteria are met, is the veteran’s improved pension needs allowance.  This is a $90 deduction allowed when a client receives benefits from the Veteran’s Improved Pension Program. 

FYI: As of January 2013, the Clothing and Personal Needs Allowance exceeds the Veteran’s Improved Pension Needs Allowance. Allow the greater of the two allowances, which is the Clothing and Personal Needs Allowance found in Appendix F of the EPM.

There are three types of VA Improved Pension cash benefits available when a veteran, surviving spouse or surviving child meets certain criteria.  Refer clients to the VA if the client appears to be eligible for any of the following VA benefits:

Note:  Some people may have their Improved Pension benefits reduced to $90 upon admission to a VA-certified LTCF. This is a determination made by the VA. Always budget the actual amount of VA benefits received in the LTC income calculation.


Will Emily or Andreas be able to use this needs allowance?


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LTC Income Calculation - Needs Allowance

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Updated September 15, 2021.
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